:: before :: october 31, 2002 :: after

happy halloween :-] i decided to go simple this year with my jack-o-lantern, with the moon and stars design. you like?

my day was pretty fun. woke up, watched part of some bad halloween movie with hanna, carved my pumpkin. then we decorated the porch and stairs somewhat. we put white lights down the banister and set up our jack-o-lanterns and our other pumpkins and put some candles on the stairs. then put out our three huge bowls of candy :D i know some kids probably took all of it in one swoop but there wasn't anything we could do about that since we weren't home. anyways, then we left for fright fest. god, i really hate where i live sometimes though. there is always traffic. traffic, on halloween! what were all these people doing?! they should have been home handing out candy! sheesh. anyways with all the damn traffic we got there about 7:30. goddamn it was cold. i knew it would be but damn. i am such a wuss. i can't imagine living on the east coast. how do those kids even trick or treat? i mean you'd need like, snow gear just to walk outside! how could you walk around in some skimpy cinderella costume or something? i don't understand lol. anyways i thought i was prepared in my long sleeve shirt, 2 sweatshirts [one hooded] and my snowboarding jacket. which also has a hood. the hoods came in very handy. but i was still cold :-/ but i survived. anne i hope you didn't freeze to death. i can't imagine your weather... i mean *i* was freezing and it was only like 40-50 degrees! anyways... 'medusa' is now my favorite roller coaster ever :P it's even better than the ones at great america. the whole park looked awesome too. it was so creepy. it reminded me of "something wicked this way comes" -- it had a real eery 'deserted carnival' look to it. there was this thing where you pay extra to be "tagged" and that basically means that all night these people who are paid to scare people will see that you are wearing a tag and like, grab you and stuff. but even though we weren't tagged the scarers would come up to us and holy SHIT they were fucking scary!!! i can't really describe how... but they were. it was really cool and all, but the whole thing was just way too expensive. it cost $45 per person just to get in!! and the haunted houses, which is what i really had been looking forward to, cost another $10 a person to get into all 3 of them [you couldn't just buy a ticket for one either, which sucked] so we didn't do that. i feel guilty that it cost so much money to go. i mean we're not rich. oh well i won't think about that. anyways it was fun but the cold got to me. after awhile i was in pain. my fingers and toes were at the painful stage of numb. the other thing that sucked was with carving the pumpkins and all the other halloween stuff, my sister and i forgot about our shows and didnt set a tape to record them. i missed all the new thursday shows!! friends, will & grace, scrubs and ER. dammit. yes i have no life so i really look forward to my shows. we called our neighbor to tape ER since it was the only one we hadn't missed yet when we realized. we had taped the world series for her so she owed us anyway. so at least there's still ER i get to see. oh well. speaking of the world series, damn the angels! lol.

food-wise today wasn't better or worse than any other i guess. had a mini binge/purge before we left, ate some lollipops on the way to the park, puked them when we got there. dinner was a "chicken caesar" [plain lettuce and a little plain chicken, no dressing] which would have been fine but there were CROUTONS and i ate them :-/ they were so good. i had croutons in dallas and it was like the first time in over a year i had had them and i had forgotten how yummy a fucking crouton is! anyway, i ate the damn things and that was just so bad. i mean they are loaded with fat. i was just going to fucking deal with it but then while we were walking after, i was just really needing to purge. the food kept creeping up my throat. it was begging to be puked. i gave in but i didn't want to be obvious. also there was a hole in my bathroom door so if someone walked by, they could easily see what i was doing... so i just leaned over and puked as much as i could in 2 seconds which wasn't all i'm sure. just the fries and most of the croutons which i ate last, probably. oh yeah, i forgot to mention the FRIES. i ate 5 small fries. they were really short small ones though. and i think those all came up. *sigh* why does it matter? it wouldn't bother me so much if i wasn't having a really bad body-image day today. i just feel gross and blubbery. and BLOATED. i'm really tired though so i think i'll go to bed. i have therapy tomorrow. i think i'll skip it.

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