:: before :: March 23, 2003 :: after

I think I may have to find another grocery store. I can't take the looks and comments from this checker anymore. I usually avoid his aisle if I can, but at night there is usually just one checker and it is usually him and I always end up at the store late at night. But tonight he actually made comments that I just couldn't handle and I left feeling embarassed, ashamed, and above all else FUCKED UP. He is a middle-aged man who is probably a father which makes things worse because he's probably thinking "boy am I glad my daughter isn't a crazy bulimic" or something like that. He always likes to make sarcastic comments about how I managed to carry "all this" through the store without a cart [I use the baskets, I can't stand using a cart so I even sometimes carry 2 baskets just so I don't have to push a cart], and tonight he again said "How did you carry all of this without a cart? Why don't you just get a cart?" and I said, not really knowing what I was supposed to say ["Oh, I'm just insane and I can't bear to push a cart because it freaks me out"?!] "Oh, I just don't like to use carts. Don't ask why" *insert nervous fake chuckle* and he decided to keep pressing the issue and was like "Don't tell me that, now I'm dying to know why!" Like trying to make a joke... that wasn't really the bad part... but he kept looking at me like "Aren't you going to tell me?" and so I was trying to think up a reason. So I just said "It's a good workout for your arms to carry a basket" or something lame like that [can't recall my exact words] and all this time he is checking out my food, right? And he looks again at the food he's scanning, looks at me, and says "Well you better be exercising if you eat all this sugar. If I ate all of this junk food I would be overweight."! I tried not to turn beet red but I am sure I did :( Really the worst part is just the looks he gives me. I can't describe it really, it's just something you have to experience. My purchases tonight were not even that bad compared to other nights because I was also buying some eggs and produce. I just wish people would not talk to me. Just scan my fucking food, tell me the total and give me change. That's all I fucking ask!!

I'm not going back to my favorite store that late at night anymore. If I want to go at 11pm I'll just have to choose another store. *Sigh*

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