:: before :: June 05, 2003 :: after

I wish that I could have a copy of every conversation that ever pertained to me. What I mean is, I would like to be able to hear everything that anyone has ever said about me. It is so annoying to overhear conversations but not hear enough of them to actually know what the people were saying - just that it was about you. And those are just the conversations I have heard part of, I know there are a ton more than I never witnessed. It's the same kind of curiousity that has me wanting my medical records from Stanford. I got really close to getting them last year, I had the form filled out and signed by my doctor but I never turned it in because I had to drive all the way down to Stanford to do it, and just never got around to it. But I talked to Dr. Lowen about this on Monday and she said she would have them sent to her office and that way it would be free [there's a charge of like 20 cents/page if the patient personally wants them, without doctor involvement, and I know that it will be a pretty big file because I am requesting ALL of it, not just part]. All I have to do is print off the form from their website and bring it in next week to my appointment, and then she'll fax it. I'll finally get to know what all those bitchy nurses said about me.

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I hate Stacker 3. What the hell is the difference between Stacker, Stacker 2, and Stacker 3 anyway? Do they just get stronger [more dangerous...] with each new product? I wouldn't be surprised, considering how awful I'm feeling right now after just one tiny pill. I feel like total shit, yet I knew I would and I took it anyway. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It makes my legs buckle under me. Don't know what that's about, but it sure doesn't feel good...

Today was a nice day. I only slept two hours but other than that I felt pretty good all day. Mia picked me up around noon and we drove to Telegraph and went to get my eyebrow pierce at Zebra. Unfortunately, I did not walk away with my new piercing cause I was unable to get a guarantee that my eyebrow would not still be swollen in a week, and I just didn't want to take that risk [since I'll be leaving for Dallas this coming Thursday and I don't want half my face swollen, or an infection...] also the hoop I wanted wasn't one that he recommended piercing with cause it had a higher risk of infection since it was so tiny. So I decided to wait until after Dallas when I had no where to go so that if my face gets all swollen for awhile, it won't matter. I did get another ear pierce though. I wanted another cartillage to even out my ears [I had 2 cartillage pierces on my left ear, and one on the right, plus two regular pierces on each side] for when I get the eyebrow done. I liked having it non-symetrical, when it was just my ears, but I think if I'm going to get my eyebrow done too then I would like my ears to be even. Anyway, I was going to do both today but like I said I couldn't do my eyebrow so I just got the right cartillage pierced for a second time. It's actually good I waited, too, because I am too broke to afford both of those piercings. It cost me almost $35 just for this one ear pierce. Man that is expensive. But I'd rather shell out the cash to a place with a good reputation than go somewhere cheaper that doesn't care as much about sterilization. Zebra is a really awesome place. They'll pierce anything plus they do tattoos and sell a ton of earrings/various other rings and some nifty merchandise too. But they stopped selling bongs! Not that I was going to buy one [he he he] but I just noticed that they stopped selling them.

This ear pierce hurt a bit more than my others because I wanted it pierced with a hoop instead of one of the usual studs they use... so instead of using a piercing gun which is one instant punch and the earring is in and backed all at once, I had to have a needle stuck through my ear and then have the hoop threaded through. So that was a bit painful cause it's like having your ear pierced twice in one place. It also bled for aabout an hour, which doesn't happen with the studs usually. I think it was worth it though because I would much rather have a hoop that matches my three other cartillage pierces than have one of those big ugly studs :P

After the piercing we went to Rasputen [music/video store] and I finally got the new Silverchair CD I've been wanting. It was only $11 too, which was awesome. I really wanted to get the new Coldplay but I knew I shouldn't spend even more money I didn't have... but then we went to Urban Outfitters cause Mia needed shorts since she has lost so much weight none of hers fit, and I got three shirts. Bad Ruth!! Bad bad bad!! Ack at least the two tanks were on sale. I really wanted this shirt that was vintage-y looking, it was green and had little white shamrocks on it and said "everyone loves an irish girl" but they only had mediums left. *tear* I must go back and get that! Maybe I can find it in Dallas, cause I know they have an Urbans there too. The shirts I ended up with were a little black tee [Something I really didn't need, how many black shirts do I have?! And how many tees?! Haha] that has a cool neckline I can't describe and a white tank and a purpley lavendar one that has white stitching. Mia got these cargo shorts that were sooooooooo soft. I wanted a pair but I know they would look like shit on me. For one thing all the pants/shorts there are huge and the smallest they ever have is a 1 but I wish they had some smaller ones cause they were so cute. They are long like they hit at the knee, a look that I really can't pull off but they looked cute on Mia. God... she really has lost so much weight. I guess only 25 pounds but it really looks like a lot. I would never say this to her, since she wants to gain some back and really needs to eat more, but she looks great right now. Well, in my opinion. Her face has just the right amount of slenderness now, not gaunt but more defined than it was before. I'm envious because I think her face looks thinner than mine and I just long for very defined cheekbones that I will never have. It doesn't even have to do with purging - though that doesn't help - I just have these really tiny cheekbones :( When my cheekbones show more it just results in that "apple cheek" look; the apples of my cheeks can look boney when I'm not so puffy, but not the sides of the face, the ones that really count... where your face looks caved in when you add blush. I realize most people don't want a gaunt face, but I really do. Sigh.

Let's see... what else did we do? Oh, I bought some really cool art prints from a street dealer. The guy was so nice and was translating all the ones that had French or Italian on them [I know some French but not a lot, since I have forgotten basically all I ever learned, how sad], and the stories behind them. They are paintings on wood blocks and there were so many cool ones. I got three, two small ones and a larger one. The larger one is the Moon Goddess and it's so beautiful! One of the smaller ones is a print of the magazine "Le Frou Frou" which I think he said was started in 1908 [that may have been another one though] and the other is another mystical looking painting with the signs on the zodiac on them. I'm going to scan them in, maybe I can make a cool layout with one of them when I get bored of this one. So that was the only eventful part of my day. The rest was spent lying in bed reading, watching the Osbournes DVD, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang [wow that takes me back!], Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the Care Bears movie, and Stiff Upper Lips. Oh, and coloring in my pretty flower coloring book. Wow, what a mix. First I go to a tattoo parlor, then I watch kiddie movies and color. I'm an odd one, that's for sure! But I really love coloring when my nice Pentel pens :) It's so relaxing. I dont' think about any of the normal crap that is usually running through my head. I just clear my mind and focus on what color combination would look the prettiest. I was doing that just now, but had to stop because the Stacker kicked in and my hands became too shaky. Oh, and I'm actually sitting here sipping a vanilla Boost [and I will not be purging it]. Shocking, I know. It's ice cold and I have to say, I'm enjoying it. I am one of very few people that actually likes the taste. I hate the other flavors though. My favorite is vanilla with fiber but regular vanilla isn't bad. Chocolate and Strawberry are crap though, in my opinion. I haven't tried any of the others. And I don't like Ensure... well I don't like Ensure Light anyway. I haven't ever tried the regular. Ok this is a stupid topic and I don't know why I brought it up. But the 4 grams of fat are freaking me out... even more than the 240 calories for some illogical reason. I blame my mom for getting me stuck on the fat = evil kick. She has been counting fat grams as long as I can remember and I'll never forget how she told me she couldn't eat more than 10 grams a day, and that was the "max" - she tried to eat less. I think I was 11 when she told me that. It must have been either 11 or younger, because I remember I was still in gymnastics and I quit when I was 11. That's probably my biggest regret, quitting gymnastics. But that's a really long story so I won't get into it. Just one of those things I look back on and really hate myself for doing... it was probably my only change to be better than just average at something... and I went and through it all away.

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