:: before :: May 04, 2003 :: after

I have no words right now. So instead, here are some quotes from "Perfect Illusions" [ED documentary] that I really related to. These girls say it better than I ever could...

You go in...[she's talking about the hospital] and you just want help with the superficial stuff. You're thinking maybe if you're a little bit happier, your eating disorder won�t matter anymore. Or maybe you�ll just have a �moderate� eating disorder... You don�t actually expect to totally give it all up.

- - Annie, a bulimic

If you take away the way that I think, and the way that I deal with things - my eating disorder and my depression, especially my depression, I don�t know what�s going to be there when you take all that away. I don�t know what�s underneath. And that prospect is extremely scary. You�re taking away the only thing that I know.

- - Annie

There really is no way to rid myself of this is there? And who is listening anyway? No one. My life is worthless right now. Saying goodbye to such an unhappy place can�t be as hard as believing in it everyday. And essentially my spirit has fled anyway.

- - Anna Westin, an anoretic who committed suicide

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